free hit counter script When do the ger dubs for Black Clover always come out? | - Animes gratis legal online ansehen

When do the ger dubs for Black Clover always come out?

The day of the week when new episodes come out

5 Antworten

User King1982374, Profilbild
Antwort von King1982374

hier sind nur alte animes wann kommen die neuen ?

User Omega-chan, Profilbild
Antwort von Omega-chan

Warum auf ner deutschsprachingen Seite ne englische Frage zum deutschen Dub stellen Smiley

User Shoukaku, Profilbild
Antwort von Shoukaku

They're not weekly released and you can't find them in the calendar because Black Clover GER DUB is getting released on disc.
And the day of release has been announced on
Also here:

User Bobah, Profilbild
Antwort von Bobah

Hello Boohjack,

Subtitels such as Streams will be added as soon as the Team will find some in the web. This takes usually 2-72h after the release.

I hope that helps a bit. Smiley

kind regards

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