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When are the sequels to these anime coming

When are the New Ep. or Seasons coming from This Animes:

-The Rising of the Shield Hero
-The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest
-Skeleton Knight in Another World
-By the Grace of the Gods
-The Misfit of Demon King Academy
-Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World
-Demon Slayer
-Fire Force
-High School D×D
-The Testament of Sister New Devil
-Rosario + Vampire
-So, I Can’t Play H!

I know that's a lot of anime would love a response from some anime and yes some of them are old but still hope a sequel appears

8 Antworten

User Enkel, Profilbild
Antwort von Enkel

So i cant play H anymore is complete ...the whole Manga is in the Anime

User MinokaJikan, Profilbild
Antwort von MinokaJikan

-rising of the shield hero: 1day and 8.5houres
-the strongest sage: no confirmed new season
-skeleton knight in another world: 2days and 10houres
-By the grace of the gods: no release date but confirmed 2nd season
-Misfit of demon king academy: no release date but confirmed 2nd season and 3rd season
-Orient: to my knowledge no 2nd season confirmed
-Our last crusade: no release date but confirmed 2nd season
-Demon slayer: no release date but new season confirmed
-fire force: (EDIT) confirmed 3rd season
-High school D x D: no confirmed new season
-testament of sister new devil: no confirmed new season
-Rosario: no confirmed new season
-So, I cant play H: no confirmed new season

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