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Searching a Anime name

Hey I'm looking for the title of an anime that I watched a few years ago.

Maybe someone knows it so that's the info I remember:

So it was about a student who was in an academy? I think Who had no feelings I think And was very strong when he turned unintentionally His transformation look was green more like a zombie When he turned the teachers made a shield around him which but also always almost went broken because he was too strong , I Think there was a girl too that helped him to get normal.

I do not know the best explanation but maybe someone knows which one I mean

2 Antworten

User Davenni, Profilbild
Antwort von Davenni

Omg Thank u so much

User Aquener, Profilbild
Antwort von Aquener

Maybe its Beyond the Boundary its not really academy but theres also someone who rages the form has green aspecs and there is a girl

if its not the correct anime gl looking for it

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