free hit counter script How can I get subtitles | - Animes gratis legal online ansehen

How can I get subtitles

I need subtitles whilst watching an anime

2 Antworten

User WappyU, Profilbild
Antwort von WappyU

Each service with its own 'surprises' bietet Nutzern beispielsweise Zugriff auf aktuelle Aktionscodes, Rabatte und Aktionen für verschiedene Online-Shops und Online-Dienste. Es wäre schön, wenn sie auch Spiele hinzufügen würden.

User Pudding-sama, Profilbild
Antwort von Pudding-sama offers anime with German subtitles, but these are often “hardcoded” into the video, meaning they can’t be turned off or changed. It’s not possible to select alternative subtitle languages or remove subtitles entirely. If you’re looking for anime with more flexible subtitle options, it may be helpful to use another streaming services like Crunchyroll, which offer a wider range of subtitle languages and customization options.