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´Gute Animes

Ich suche nach Animes mit Starken(Männlichen)Hauptckaracter.

4 Antworten

User Fireibrd, Profilbild
Antwort von Fireibrd

-The Irregular of Magic High School
-The Misfit of Demon King Academy

User Omegaboy, Profilbild
Antwort von Omegaboy


Antwort von
AnimeGucken Team

Hallo Thundato,

given, ai no kusabi, kyou kara maou.

Liebe Grüße Party!

User Hime, Profilbild
Antwort von Hime

-detektic conan
-arslan senki
-assasination classroom
-attackon titan
-my heo akademia
-one piece
-re zero
-sword art online
-full metal alchemist
-tokyo ghoul
-steins gate
-b the beginning
-kabaneri of an iron fortrest
-mob psycho
-one punch
-dr stone
-darling in the franxx
-black clover
-cde geass
-mirai nikki
-angel beats
-food wars
-the devil is a part timer

viel spaß
LG Hime