free hit counter script Bleach ger subtitle | - Animes gratis legal online ansehen

Bleach ger subtitle

The new episode, episode 6 of bleach will be released today with the eng subtitles but my question is when will they release the ger subtitles for ep 6

2 Antworten

User Xin, Profilbild
Antwort von Xin

Ich denke er spricht deutsch sonst würde er ja nicht nach gersub fragen wo es doch den engsub bereits gibt

Antwort von
AnimeGucken Team

Hallo Moritz1v1,

GerSub is currently FanSub and FanSub means that there is no specific Release-Schedule - for Official German Subs ask Disney, but as far as i know, their Twitter Help Page have no Information on this either, so for Official Subs we have to wait.

Best Regards *coffee*